Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Boxing day - Victory!

up at 3:40am
in line at Bestbuy (1st 100!) at 430am with portable DVD player, iPod and coffee.
1st guy was there at 1am
there was a raffle draw for a $500 gift card, but missed that as well.
missed the doorcrasher ticket by 5minutes at 5:50am

I got a ticket for the 360 (thinking I might be able to pick one up for my bro-in-law), and a ticket for a crappy Toshiba 42" plasma (480i/480p only for $1500 ?!?)

Chaos in the store, Carts getting stuck in the aisle. I had a cart, but abandonned it in the aisle. There were just too many people running around grabbing stuff to navigate a cart. It was a near riot situation. When leaving at 630am, I found out why it was so Chaotic in the store. I think there was probably 500-750 people in line (they said the line went 3/4's of the way around the building at 5:45am, and they had let them all in the store by 630am.

I was about ready to leave, and headed past the DVD players thinking I might pick up a $50 DVD player to make my trip 'worthwhile' when I found the tv sitting on a shelf (sitting solo) in the DVD player / Receiver section.

Divine intervention.


Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

and a Happy New Year!

Rock and Roll Girl with

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

20.97lb Turkey

After 5hrs at 325F, stuffed

Juicy, yummy bird - 20.97lbs
Salmonella - zero

# Guests eating turkey - 16
# Guests with food poisoning - zero
# of broken microwaves - 1 :(

Friday, December 08, 2006

Got your snows on?

It's starting to look a lot like Christmas.....
Turkey on Sunday!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Xmas Family Pic 2006

Manual, 1/60th f5.6, flash bounced behind me, self timer and a lot of PS CS2.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Xmas tree cutting

It snowed last night, and was perfect weather to go cut down a Xmas tree. We went looking at Benjamin Tree Farms this morning..... Selection was ok. Not many huge trees this year :(. However, we bought a new tree stand that was tres cool. This is what we came up with....

(1/6th f3.5 iso 800 20mm -handheld)

Brianna had a ball decorating it. Jordan - not so much so. He's going to be the tree destroyer this year.

Still looking for a 10-12 footer for next year!