Monday, September 10, 2007

Brianna's 1st day at School

Brianna - all ready to go.
"Brianna has her first morning in Kindergarten today. She was excited, and no tears! We had to have a special breakfast she said (like Franklin on the movie had a special breakfast his first day of school) so she had candy sprinkles on top of her waffle.
" -
as reported by Julie.....

Getting on the bus.

Brianna started JK today. She got to ride the school bus, and met Mrs. Campbell, her new teacher, at school. These are some of the happenings on her first morning at school, as recounted by a “4 and a half” year old…

-“I could hardly stay on the seat. Every time it stopped, I said Woah!!” (sticking her hands out)

-“A little boy sat beside me. He was about my size, maybe 4 and a half, but he wasn’t in my class.”

-“I was the last one off the bus. The bus driver said what took you so long? And I said because I had to get my backpack on.” (Daddy doesn't think she actually talked to the bus driver)

-“The bus was too much fun. I want to go longer.”

-“We went to the gym.” When asked what they did, she says, “I don’t know, we just stood there.”

-Later that night, Brianna tells me they did running, walking, tip toeing. Then when they were leaving she had to go last, but that meant she got to turn off the light. “But then I ran out really fast.”

-“We were walking down the hall. Mrs Campbell was walking really fast, and I thought, are we gonna lose her?”

-“I don’t know how to turn on the fountain, and I’m too scared to ask… but I figured out the tap!! You lift it up and it comes on and you push down and it turns off!”

-Mrs Campbell- “She’s really nice cause she helped everyone with their snack,… but she wouldn’t let me get my huggin blankie when I was sad.”

-“Mrs Campbell teached us to read, but I forget... hmm, hmm, not even one bit!”

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Toronto Zoo

Jordan being a Monkey

Brianna Takes a Picture

Daddy & Brianna

Brianna (& Jordan) crawling thru the 'snake skin'

More Climbing (on a spider web)

....You didn't tell me there was a Giant Spider on the wall!

Splash Pad

Done for the day

Below are 2 different copies of the same video from the day... youtube vs blogger....


Sunday, September 02, 2007

Labour Day Weekend & Happy B-day Jordan!!

Brianna starts KneeBoarding.... on the sea doo.....

This past Monday, we celebrated Jordan's 2nd birthday.... mmmmm Chicken wings, sausage, fried rice and Lion Chocolate birthday Cake !!